Epigenetic Regulation Study for Controlling Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells

Release Date: 02-Nov-2020

Prostate cancer has become one of the most aggressive types of cancer as the cancer is not responding to any of the hormonal therapy. This respective research has been conducted by researchers from the University of Benn. The findings have led the researchers to develop a novel therapy that could treat this aggressive type of cancer. One of the main reasons for studying prostate cancer is that it is one of the most diagnosed cancer cases in Europe. It has been found that the patients diagnosed with prostate cancer and finally undergoing old and traditional cancer therapies such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy finally develops resistance for the treatment.


A group of researchers at University of Benn have found an important epigenetic regulator called as SWI/SWF complex, which is responsible for the growth of prostate cancer cells. It is a complex that determines which information of the DNA is accessible for the cell and which part will remained as silent, in short, the complex is an important regulatory in eukaryotic regulation. It is observed that this type of regulation is important for growth and differentiation of the cells.


As per research conducted by the researchers, it is observed that the complex of SWI/SNF is mostly expressed in the aggressive type of prostate cancer. The study that is affiliated with SWI/SNF complex is found to be challenging as it is composed of 15 different proteins. Through the research, it has been concluded that the growth of prostate cancer cells is dependent on several key members of the complex. The future research study for the same will focus on exploring the mechanism of how the growth of prostate cancer cells is largely dependent on the complex, so that drug could be developed to control the activity of complex.

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