Booming Cosmetic Surgery Market in India

Release Date: 14-Jan-2013

Today, India is among the top five countries in the world in terms of the number of people undergoing surgical and non surgical procedures.Indiais viewed as one of the most progressive countries for cosmetic surgical procedures and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Cosmetic surgery inIndiahas evolved from being considered a risky or impractical procedure that was demanded by overly beauty conscious women to a highly specialized and advanced niche of plastic surgery that helps people attain happiness with fewer risks and greater affordability. This change in the mindset of people is a result of several factors. Firstly, the media has become much more widespread, disseminating honest and more detailed information regarding the safety of cosmetic surgical procedures. People are increasingly recognizing the fact that a plastic surgery is at par with adopting a new diet or exercise regimen since all such activities are aimed at the same objective, i.e. to improve one's appearance. Nevertheless, plastic cosmetic surgery offers an incomparable advantage to any other approach, i.e. the results are immediately visible and it can be customized with great precision.

The cosmetic surgery industry started growing during 2004-2005 and the industry has been growing ever since. The number of people considering cosmetic surgery as a potential option to revive their beauty is on the rise. Moreover, the number of people undergoing multiple cosmetic surgery procedures is also rising.

In the past, cosmetic surgeries in India were associated with celebrities and people of the affluent class. However, today, these surgeries are increasingly becoming popular and are being undertaken by the middle class. Increasingly, both men and women from the upper middle class group are opting for cosmetic procedures to look attractive in order to get lucrative jobs, best possible marriage partners and primarily get rid of any deformity that they feel impacts their self confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, traditionally, men and women in their late 20s and early 30s were the key clients of cosmetic surgeons. However, a new trend has emerged where teenagers are approaching cosmetic/ aesthetic surgeons to get some cosmetic procedure done. Teenagers seek different procedures that range from facial hair removal to scar revision to rhinoplasty to gynaecomastia (male breast reduction) to breast reduction to augmentation (in girls). It has been observed that cosmetic deformities have a deep impact on child psychology. This is evident with some teenagers suffering from severe lack of confidence. With the widening opportunities and experiences offered by  cosmopolitan cities and the growing consciousness of parents about their children's needs, this trend is likely to manifest itself in more cosmetic procedures for teenagers in the future.

For more information visit:  India Cosmetic Surgery Market Outlook 2016

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